Bioaccumulation of trace metals in the plastisphere: Awareness of environmental risk from a European perspective

The term "Plastisphere" refers to the biofilm layer naturally formed by microorganisms attaching to plastic surfaces. This layer possesses the capability to adsorb persistent organic and inorganic pollutants, particularly trace metals, which are the focus of this research study. Immersion experiments were concurrently conducted in five locations spanning four European countries (France, Ireland, Spain, and Italy) utilising eight distinct polymers. These immersions, repeated every three months over a one-year period, aimed to evaluate the baseline bioaccumulation of 12 trace metals. The study underscores the intricate nature of metal bioaccumulation, influenced by both micro-scale factors (such as polymer composition) and macro-scale factors (including geographical site and seasonal variations). Villefranche Bay in France exhibited the lowest metals bioaccumulation, whereas Naples in Italy emerged as the site where bioaccumulation was often the highest for the considered metals. Environmental risk assessment was also conducted in the study.

The lightweight nature of certain plastics allows them to be transported across significant distances in the ocean. Consequently, evaluating trace metal concentrations in the plastisphere is imperative for assessing potential environmental repercussions that plastics, along with their associated biota, may exert even in locations distant from their point of emission.


Oceanic realistic application of a microplastic biofouling model to the river discharge case

Marine biofouling is considered one of the major biophysical processes influencing the vertical dynamics of plastic debris in seawater. We numerically implement, for the first time, this mechanism within a fine-resolution, regional model of the Tyrrhenian Sea, in order to simulate the dispersion of microplastics (MPs) released at the mouth of a highly polluting river. Four polymers and three particle sizes are used to quantify algal concentration influence on the trajectories, fates, and accumulation spots of the tracked MPs, by comparing 2002 winter and summer runs encompassing or not biofouling. Besides a marked seasonality for most of the MP types and radii tested, biofouling effects are prominently observed for only 2 polymers and particles bigger than 1 μm. Thus, further realistic applications of the biofouling mechanism in oceanic circulation models are required to achieve a thorough assessment of its impact on plastic density within distinctive basins of the world seas.


Spatial monitoring of microplastics in environmental matrices from Galway Bay, Ireland

Microplastic concentrations have been reported in a variety of environmental matrices and organisms across the world. Assessments of environmental concentrations are essential to understand trends and ensure decision-making processes that reduce environmental pressure. In this study, a combined sampling approach to surface waters, benthic sediments and biota in Galway Bay, Ireland, was carried out. Average concentrations of microplastics in surface waters were 1.42 ± 0.33 MPs m−3, in biota were 4.46 ± 0.36 MPs ind−1 and in benthic sediments were 5.60 ± 1.54 MPs kg−1. The diversity of polymers, microplastic types and colours were more abundant in surface waters and biota, when compared to benthic sediments. Integrated assessments of microplastics that follow existing monitoring programmes are essential to understand environmental trends. This work contributes to provide valuable information to descriptor 10 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in Ireland.


Tardigrades in the marine plastisphere: New hitchhikers surfing plastics

Tardigrades are remarkable microorganisms known for their extraordinary resilience in diverse environments, including extreme conditions such as outer space. They are known for their interactions with natural substrates in terrestrial and aquatic systems, but have remained largely unexplored in relation to marine plastics. This study aims to investigate the colonization of plastics, ranging from fossil fuel-based to bioplastics, in the coastal zones of four countries (Brazil, Ireland, France and Italy). Here, we report the first documented occurrence of tardigrades colonizing plastic substrates. We identified five amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) belonging to the Tardigrada phylum, specifically in a post-consumer polypropylene, in the coastal zone of Galway, Ireland. This discovery raises questions about the characteristics of different plastics influencing on tardigrades' adhesion. Tardigrades hitchhiking on plastics in the oceans could expand their habitat range, possibly displacing native species and altering trophic interactions, with potential consequences for the overall biodiversity.


Collisions among elongated settling particles: The twofold role of turbulence

We study the collision rates of settling spheres and elongated spheroids in homogeneous, isotropic turbulence by means of direct numerical simulations aiming to understand microscale-particle encounters in oceans and lakes. We explore a range of aspect ratios and sizes relevant to the dynamics of plankton and microplastics in water environments. The results presented here confirm that collision rates between elongated particles in a quiescent fluid are more frequent than those among spherical particles in turbulence due to oblique settling. We also demonstrate that turbulence generally enhances collisions among elongated particles as compared to those expected for a random distribution of the same particles settling in a quiescent fluid, although we also find a decrease in collision rates in turbulence for particles of the highest density and moderate aspect ratios (A=5)⁠. The increase in the collision rate due to turbulence is found to quickly decrease with aspect ratio, reach a minimum for aspect ratios approximately equal to 5, and then slowly increase again, with an increase up to 50% for the largest aspect ratios investigated. This non-monotonic trend is explained as the result of two competing effects: the increase in the surface area with aspect ratio (beneficial to increase encounter rates) and the alignment of nearby prolate particles in turbulence (reducing the probability of collision). Turbulence mixing is, therefore, partially balanced by rod alignment at high particle aspect ratios.


Policy brief - Plastic pollution and the plastisphere: findings and recommendations

Plastic pollution is an environmental concern due to the magnitude of mismanaged plastics reaching the environment and affecting it in different ways. Their physicochemical properties, including their light weight, resistance to corrosion and low degradation rates, allow plastics to travel great distances in the environment. Plastics undergo weathering, degradation, and fragmentation processes through exposure to ultraviolet radiation, abrasion, and interactions with biota. The JPI Oceans funded ‘MicroplastiX’ project explored the interaction between plastics, microorganisms, and the biofilm layer at the surface, which is a less studied scientific area. Moreover, the project also focused on the organic and inorganic pollutants in this surface biofilm layer, commonly known as ‘plastisphere’. This brief highlights the main project findings resulting from case-studies carried out in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. These aimed to assess the (1) environmental microplastic (MP) concentrations, (2) genetic diversity and accumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and trace metals in the plastisphere and the (3) polymer type spectral changes from in situ experiments. The aim of this international collaborative and interdisciplinary project was to improve the understanding of how degradation mechanisms affect plastics in natural environments. The team included a network of scientists from diverse research fields (chemistry, biology, microbiology, physics and mathematical modelling), and countries (Sweden, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Ireland, and Brazil), working in synergy to address gaps on the pathways and fate of plastics in coastal and open ocean waters.


Biofilm Spectral database

It is known that plastics undergo weathering and degradation processes in the environment and that these might affect their identification. Below you can access a Spectral database and dataset of the 9 polymers used in 3 different locations within our project. The FTIR and RAMAN spectra show the changes over time and the challenges in identification.


Variability of prey preferences and uptake of anthropogenic particles by juvenile white seabream in a coastal lagoon nursery ground

Marine plastic litter, originating from land-based sources, enters the marine environment by passing through coastal ecosystems such as lagoons and estuaries. As early life history stages (ELHS) of many commercially important fish species rely on these transitional areas as nursery grounds, we hypothesized that they encounter a spatial gradient of habitat quality and pollution from inner to outer parts of their vital environment. With sizes < 5 mm, anthropogenic particles (AP), among them microplastic (MP) fibers and fragments, entail a high bioavailability for ELHS of fish, potentially facilitating AP uptake at early developmental stages which may have implications for their survival and growth. This study provides a contextualization baseline between feeding preferences and uptake of AP by the white seabream Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758) in an estuarine nursery ground on the southern coast of Portugal. Juvenile fish showed a generalized, omnivorous feeding mode with differences in trophic resource utilization between individuals collected at distinct seagrass meadows in the lagoon. A total of 23.13% of the fish (n = 147) were detected with AP in the gastrointestinal tract, and the mean number of AP per AP-feeding individual was 1.64 ± 1.04, with anthropogenic fibers (n = 47) occurring more frequently than fragments (n = 9). Knowledge of the underlying factors for MP ingestion will be greatly enhanced by considering environmental conditions along with species-stage and life-stage specific feeding modes and prey preferences which shape the uptake probability of anthropogenic fibers and fragments.


Holes on surfaces of the weathered plastic fragments from coastal beaches

The surface morphology of weathered plastics undergoes a variety of changes. In this study, 3950 plastic fragments from 26 beaches around the world, were assessed to identify holes. Holes were identified on 123 fragments on 20 beaches, with the highest frequency (10.3 %) being identified at Qesm AL Gomrok Beach in Egypt. The distribution of holes could be divided into even, single-sided, and random types. The external and internal holes were similar in size (37 ± 15 μm) of even type fragments. The external holes were larger than the internal holes in single-sided (516 ± 259 μm and 383 ± 161 μm) and random (588 ± 262 μm and 454 ± 210 μm) fragment types. The external hole sizes were positively correlated with the internal hole sizes for each type. This study reports a novel deformation phenomenon on the surface of weathered plastics and highlights their potential effects on plastics.


Exploring microplastic contamination in reef-associated fishes of the Tropical Atlantic

Microplastics (MPs) are ubiquitous in marine compartments, and their transboundary distribution favours the dispersion and accumulation of particles in ecosystems. This study investigated MP contamination in four coastal fish species (Haemulon squamipinna, Chaetodon ocellatus, Syacium micrurum, and Alphestes afer) from the southwestern Tropical Atlantic. An alkaline treatment was applied to extract MPs from the digestive tracts, and a Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) system was used to identify polymers. All species analysed were contaminated with MPs, with Alphestes afer being the most contaminated (1.45 ± 1.09 MPs individual−1; frequency of occurrence 80 %). No significant differences were found in the number and size of detected particles among species. The most common shapes were fibres and films, and polyethylene was the most abundant polymer. This study provides important baseline data on MP contamination in coastal fish species inhabiting complex habitat areas relevant for conserving marine biodiversity.


Efficacy of microplastic depuration on two commercial oyster species from the west coast of Ireland

Studies investigating microplastics (MPs) in marine species have been published over recent decades, including studies on depuration efficacy on aquaculture products. This preliminary study investigates the depuration efficacy of MPs in two commercial oyster species from Ireland. The innovative aspects are the sampling size (n = 50 per species) and the experiment duration (up to 96 h). The case study organisms are the Pacific oyster (Magallana gigas) and the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis). Prior to depuration, the mean MP concentration on M. gigas edible tissue was 0.6 MP g−1 while for O. edulis was 0.4 MP g−1. Significant differences in mean MP concentrations were identified after 96-h for M. gigas 0.2 MP g−1 (p = 0.014) and O. edulis, 0.1 MP g−1 (p = 0.003). Additionally, no significant correlation was established between MP concentrations and edible tissue weight. Polymer identification revealed that 51.6% were fibers of natural origin. Preliminary results show that increasing depuration times beyond 72-h can significantly reduce MPs in selected oyster species, which is what is being recommended with this baseline study. Further investigation on commercial conditions at adequate depuration facilities is required. Given the relevance of low-trophic aquaculture species for local economies, this preliminary study provides important baseline information for stakeholders.


From prey to predators: Evidence of microplastic trophic transfer in tuna and large pelagic species in the southwestern Tropical Atlantic

Plastic pollution is present in most marine environments; however, contamination in pelagic predators, including species of economic interest, is still poorly understood. This study aims to access the macro- and microplastic contamination in tuna and large pelagic species and verify whether a trophic transfer occurs from prey to tunas captured by two fleets in the Southwestern Tropical Atlantic (SWTA). We combined different methodological approaches to analyse the intake of macro- and microplastics. In addition to examining the plastics in the fish’ stomachs, we investigated the contamination in the prey retrieved from the guts of predators. A low frequency of occurrence (3%) of macroplastic was detected in the tuna and large pelagic species; conversely, we observed a high frequency of microplastic in the tuna's stomachs (100%) and prey analysed (70%). We evinced the trophic transfer of microplastics by analysing the ingestion rate of particles in prey retrieved from the tuna stomachs. In the 34 analysed prey, we detected 355 microplastic particles. The most contaminated prey were cephalopods and fishes of the Bramidae family. The most frequent microplastic shapes in both prey and tuna stomachs were foams, pellets and fibres (<1 mm). A variety of polymers were identified; the most frequent were styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), polyamide (PA), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyethylene (PE). Our findings enhance scientific knowledge of how the ecological behaviour of marine species can affect microplastic intake.


Zooplankton exposure to microplastic contamination in a estuarine plume-influenced region, in Northeast Brazil

This work describes the spatio-temporal distribution of suspected plastic and microplastic (MP) particles in estuarine plumes and analyzes the microplastic/zooplankton ratio. Subsurface hauls with a conical-cylindrical net were deployed in the coastal area of Tamandare (Pernambuco, Brazil), covering the plume of two rivers and a bay adjacent to coral reefs. A total of 2079 suspected plastic particles were detected, mostly fibers and fragments (>60%). Organic matter digestion was made using a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution, of which approximately 50% of suspected particles were validated as MPs. The average MP abundance was significantly higher during the high rainfall season (53.8 ± 89.6 and 18.8 ± 32.3 particles/m³, respectively), with higher values registered in the plume area (108.9 ± 158.5 and 44.6 ± 55.5 particles/m³). Polymer identification using FT-IR confirmed that suspected particles were mainly polypropylene, polyamide, and polyurethane. These results confirm the hypothesis of a temporal transport variation of MPs from the river to the coastal environments, particularly since the plume influences debris input. Eleven animal phyla were identified, and the subclass Copepoda was predominant (90%), particularly the nauplius stage (70%). Over 70% of verified MPs range between 20 and 2000 μm, equivalent to the most common size of zooplanktonic organisms. Results support that coastal areas near estuarine plumes are exposed to microplastic contamination, affecting species dependent on zooplankton in marine coastal food webs.

Vibrio spp and other potential pathogenic bacteria associated to microfibers in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea

Microfibers, whether synthetic or natural, have increased dramatically in the environment, becoming the most common type of particles in the ocean, and exposing aquatic organisms to multiple negative impacts. Using an approach combining morphology (scanning electron microscopy-SEM) and molecular taxonomy (High-Throughput DNA Sequencing- HTS), we investigated the bacterial composition from floating microfibers (MFs) collected in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. The average number of bacteria in 100 μm2 on the surface of a fiber is 8 ± 5.9 cells; by extrapolating it to a whole fiber, this represents 2663 ± 1981 bacteria/fiber. Attached bacterial communities were dominated by Alteromonadales, Rhodobacterales, and Vibrionales, including the potentially human/animal pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus. This study reveals a high rate of bacterial colonization on MFs, and shows that these particles can host numerous bacterial species, including putative pathogens. Even if we cannot confirm its pathogenicity based only on the taxonomy, this is the first description of such pathogenic Vibrio living attached to MFs in the Mediterranean Sea. The identification of MFs colonizers is valuable in assessing health risks, as their presence can be a threat to bathing and seafood consumption. Considering that MFs can serve as vector for potentially pathogenic microorganisms and other pollutants throughout the ocean, this type of pollution can have both ecological and economic consequences.


Occurrence of microplastics in bivalve molluscs Anomalocardia flexuosa captured in Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil

Microplastics (MPs) are widely distributed in marine ecosystems, and their ubiquitous presence is raising concern, particularly about possible impacts on fisheries resources. In tropical regions, shellfish fisheries represent an essential source of income and subsistence for traditional communities, and adverse effects on these resources may have severe consequences on human health. In the present study, bivalve molluscs of the species Anomalocardia flexuosa, captured in the region of the Itapessoca estuary in Pernambuco, Brazil, were analysed. A total of 90% of the individuals presented MP particles in their tissue. We observed an average of 5.15 ± 3.80 MP particles per individual, and for each gram of soft tissue, 3.66 ± 2.59 MP particles were found. Our results showed that MPs are present in clams captured on the Pernambuco coast and that the species studied proved to be suitable for monitoring the levels of microplastic pollution.


Adsorption of pesticides and personal care products on pristine and weathered microplastics in the marine environment. Comparison between bio-based and conventional plastics

The hydrophobicity of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) makes them adsorb on microplastics in the marine environment, affecting their distribution, persistence, or their transfer to the trophic chain. Fragrances and non-polar pesticides can be adsorbed by microplastics in the marine environment because of their physico-chemical characteristics.

In this work, the adsorption of two pesticides (α-endosulfan and chlorpyrifos) and 6 musk fragrances (musk xylene, musk ketone, musk moskene, galaxolide, tonalide, and celestolide) on polyamide (PA6) (a petroleum based polymer) and on polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) (biopolymer) in seawater was studied, considering also the effect of water temperature and plastic weathering.

Results show higher adsorption of the selected pollutants for PHB than PA, being PA more affected by the water temperature and the plastic weathering. The highest percentage of adsorption was achieved in most cases at 24 h. In addition, this process was irreversible, as it showed the leaching assays. Besides, this work revealed that plastics mitigate the degradation of α-endosulfan in aquatic media (hydrolysis), showing that plastics can act as inhibitors of degradation of POPs, increasing its persistence in the environment.


Development of an analytical procedure to analyze microplastics in edible macroalgae using an enzymatic-oxidative digestion

Besides being food and a refuge to marine species, macroalgae are a powerful and renewable economic resource. However, they may introduce microplastics (MPs) in the trophic chain. We developed a reliable analytical method to characterize and quantify MPs in common and edible macroalgae. Several digestion methods and filters, along with various measurement options, were studied. A new enzymatic-oxidative protocol with a unique final filtration was selected and validated with a mixture of 5 commercial macroalgae (Undaria pinnatifida spp, Porphyra spp, Ulva spp, Laminaria ochroleuca and Himanthalia elongate). Further, it was shown that washing the macroalgae to release MPs is suboptimal and the potential adhesion of MPs to macroalgae was evaluated. A filter subsampling strategy that scans 33.64 % of its surface reduced the time required to characterize <70 μm particles and fibres directly on the 47 mm diameter filter using an IR microscope (1 sample/day).

  • Weathering-independent differentiation of microplastic polymers by reflectance IR spectrometry and pattern recognition

The presence and effects of microplastics in the environment is being continuously studied, so the need for a reliable approach to ascertain the polymer/s constituting them has increased. To characterize them, infrared (IR) spectrometry is commonly applied, either reflectance or attenuated total reflectance (ATR). A common problem when considering field samples is their weathering and biofouling, which modify their spectra. Hence, relying on spectral matching between the unknown spectrum and spectral databases is largely defective. In this paper, the use of IR spectra combined with pattern recognition techniques (principal components analysis, classification and regression trees and support vector classification) is explored first time to identify a collection of typical polymers regardless of their ageing. Results show that it is possible to identify them using a reduced suite of spectral wavenumbers with coherent chemical meaning. The models were validated using two datasets containing artificially weathered polymers and field samples.


Misidentification of PVC microplastics in marine environmental samples

Poly(vinylchloride), PVC, is the third most demanded polymer in Europe although its presence in marine ecosystems, surprisingly, is scarcely observed. This does not reflect neither its production nor its widespread usage. Therefore, it is imperative to understand why this may happen. PVC is the least stable of the high-tonnage produced polymers as it has the highest sensitivity towards UV radiation and, therefore, photo-degradation is of maximum relevance. The big amount of additives included in PVC formulations, weathering and the different treatments required to isolate it from environmental samples can modify the surface of PVC microplastics, making their spectral identification/quantification an analytical challenge. All these factors can lead to large PVC underestimations in environmental studies, in which other polymers like PE, PP or PS outstand. Further, the fact that the infrared spectrum of weathered PVC can be confounded with that of PE is of most relevance and, therefore, remarkable misidentifications and/or wrong quantifications may occur. In this work some relevant factors that can explain the low percentages of PVC reported in the literature are discussed and special emphasis is made on the need for suitable spectroscopic databases that include PVC weathered standards. This has been confirmed by the results of a detailed study of PVC weathering under pilot-scale conditions, monitoring its spectroscopic and physical changes over time.


The role of mesopelagic fishes as microplastics vectors across the deep-sea layers from the Southwestern Tropical Atlantic


Microplastics (MPs; <5 mm) are a macro issue recognised worldwide as a threat to biodiversity and ecosystems. Widely distributed in marine ecosystems, MPs have already been found in the deep-sea environment. However, there is little information on ecological mechanisms driving MP uptake by deep-sea species. For the first time, this study generates data on MP contamination in mesopelagic fishes from the Southwestern Tropical Atlantic (SWTA) to help understand the deep-sea contamination patterns. An alkaline digestion protocol was applied to extract MPs from the digestive tract of four mesopelagic fish species: Argyropelecus sladeni, Sternoptyx diaphana (Sternoptychidae), Diaphus brachycephalus, and Hygophum taaningi (Myctophidae). A total of 213 particles were recovered from 170 specimens, and MPs were found in 67% of the specimens. Fibres were the most common shape found in all species, whereas polyamide, polyethylene, and polyethylene terephthalate were the most frequent polymers. The most contaminated species was A. sladeni (93%), and the least contaminated was S. diaphana (45%). Interestingly, individuals caught in the lower mesopelagic zone (500–1000 m depth) were less contaminated with MPs than those captured in the upper mesopelagic layer (200–500 m). Our results highlight significant contamination levels and reveal the influence of mesopelagic fishes on MPs transport in the deep waters of the SWTA.


A reliable method for the isolation and characterization of microplastics in fish gastrointestinal tracts using an infrared tunable quantum cascade laser system


Societal and environmental concern due to frequent reports of microplastics in fish stomachs raised as they may accumulate along the trophic chain. The request for analysing microplastics in fish stresses two major analytical issues: sample treatment and final characterization. The, so far, workhorse for chemical characterization is infrared spectroscopy which is time-consuming. Here, a quantum cascade laser-based device is used to accelerate the characterization stage. Its novelty poses new challenges for sample processing and particle handling because the unknown particles must be transferred to a reflective slide. In this study, three sample digestion protocols (alkaline-oxidative with H2O2, and alkaline-oxidative with NaClO and enzymatic-oxidative) and three different procedures to transfer the filter cake to reflective slides are compared. A simplified enzymatic-oxidative digestion (validated through an interlaboratory exercise) combined with a Syncore® automatic evaporation system and a Laser Direct Infrared Imaging (LDIR) device is proposed first time as a reliable and relatively fast method to treat gastrointestinal tracts of fish. Analytical recoveries were studied using samples of Scomber scombrus and they were ca. 100% for big –i.e., >500 μm- and ca. 90% for medium –i.e., 200–300 μm- particles and ca. 75% for 10 μm thick fibres.


Plastic in the inferno: Microplastic contamination in deep-sea cephalopods (Vampyroteuthis infernalis and Abralia veranyi) from the southwestern Atlantic


Microplastics are a relevant environmental concern in marine ecosystems due to their ubiquity. However, knowledge on their dispersion patterns within the ocean basin and the interaction with biota are scarce and mostly limited to surface waters. This study investigated microplastic contamination in two species of deep-sea cephalopods from the southwestern Atlantic with different ecological behaviour: the vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) and the midwater squid (Abralia veranyi). Microplastic contaminated most of the evaluated specimens. V. infernalis showed higher levels of contamination (9.58 ± 8.25 particles individual−1; p < 0.05) than A. veranyi (2.37 ± 2.13 part. ind.−1), likely due to the feeding strategy of V. infernalis as a faecal pellets feeder. The size of extracted microplastics was inversely proportional to the depth of foraging. The microplastics were highly heterogeneous in composition (shape, colour and polymer type). Our results provide information regarding microplastic interaction with deep-sea organisms and evidence of the biological influence in the microplastic sinking mechanism.


A fresh look at microplastics and other particles in the tropical coastal ecosystems of Tamandaré, Brazil


Plankton organisms, biogenic particles, inorganic mineral particles, and microplastics are the four main components of particulate organic matter in aquatic ecosystems. We propose a new index, the Relative Microplastics Concentration (RMC, in %), considering that microplastics are more deleterious when food is scarce. A total of 112 plankton net samples were collected in estuarine, coastal and shelf environments of Tamandaré, Brazil. Particles were identified by image analysis (ZooScan) and FTIR. Higher concentrations of total microplastics, PP (Polypropylene) and PE (Polyethylene) in the estuary indicate an oceanward decreasing gradient from terrestrial sources. Higher concentrations of nylon fibres were found offshore. Yet, RMC indicated that the Bay had the most severely impacted ecosystems (RMC: 2.4% in the estuary, 5.1% in the Bay, and 2.0% on the shelf), for total microplastics and PP & PE. Shelf ecosystems were most severely impacted with nylon fibres. RMC analysis provided a new perspective into the impact of microplastics on tropical coastal food webs.


Development of a fast and efficient method to analyze microplastics in planktonic samples


Microplastics (MPs) affect plankton (a basis of the trophic chain) and planktivorous fish can ingest them through food confusion or by trophic transmission. Consensus to determine MPs in plankton is lacking and, so, three digestion treatments were evaluated: Alkaline (potassium hydroxide) and enzymatic (protease plus lipase) digestions, both combined with a hydrogen peroxide stage; and an oxidative method using a surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate) plus hydrogen peroxide. The alkaline method using potassium hydroxide was found to damage polystyrene. MPs were identified with a stereomicroscope and characterized by reflectance infrared microscopy in semi-automatic mode (using dedicated multi-well aluminium plates). Analytical recoveries for polypropylene, polystyrene, polyethylene, polyamide, polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene terephthalate were higher than 75%, 82% and 83% for the alkaline, enzymatic and oxidative treatments, respectively. The enzymatic method was successfully validated in a European interlaboratory exercise and the oxidative method was demonstrated to be a reliable, fast and cheaper alternative.


Microplastic contamination in tropical fishes: An assessment of different feeding habits


Marine ecosystems are reported to be contaminated by microplastics (MPs) (< 5 mm); however, the ecological mechanisms involved in the ingestion of debris by marine organisms are relatively unknown. By developing and optimising an appropriate protocol of gut digestion for fish species, this study explores a tropical estuarine environment to unriddle the processes responsible for the different ingestion rates of plastic debris. A total of 82 fishes with different feeding habits were analysed, Centropomus undecimalis (n = 30; Piscivore), Bairdiella ronchus (n = 21; Zoobenthivore) and Gobionellus stomatus (n = 31; Detritivore). The microplastic ingestion varied with the feeding strategy; C. undecimalis, the predator, was the most contaminated species. Overall, most MPs were fibres (47%), followed by pellets (40%) and fragments (13%), although these proportions varied among species. A high level of contamination was found in the Estuarine Complex of Santa Cruz Channel, Northeast of Brazil, with many potential input sources of MPs to the estuary, which likely accumulates in the sediment and water column, with unknown consequences for human health.


Impact of weathering on the chemical identification of microplastics from usual packaging polymers in the marine environment


Most of the plastics produced worldwide are finally disposed into the environment, most of them being one-use plastic packaging. Once released, plastics may undergo degradation through several agents, such as solar radiation, mechanical forces, and microbial action. Weathered plastics and microplastics (MPs) collected from the marine environment show considerable physical and chemical differences regarding their pristine counterparts; most notably on their surface, where spectrometric measurements are done. Hence, it is crucial to consider aging for its correct identification and quantification in environmental monitoring. Five of the most common polymers employed worldwide for packaging (LDPE, HDPE, PS, PP and PET) were weathered in a pilot-scale system simulating dry and marine conditions for more than 10 weeks. Aliquots were withdrawn periodically to monitor their weathering processes by means of infrared spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy; their spectra were compared and band ratios calculated. Results showed that an individual study of each polymer is necessary since degradation pathways and products depend on the polymer type. Moreover, including spectra of weathered polymers in the spectral libraries to obtain reliable identifications in microplastics pollution studies was critical.


Monitorization of polyamide microplastics weathering using attenuated total reflectance and microreflectance infrared spectrometry


The EU goal to reduce marine plastic litter by ca. 30% by 2020 stressed the need to deploy analytical methods to ascertain the polymeric nature of a residue. Furthermore, as plastics age under natural conditions and usual databases do not include their weathered spectra, (micro)plastics in environmental samples may be unidentified. In this paper, polyamide (nylon) microplastics weathering was monitored because of its ubiquity in household commodities, clothes, fishery items and industry, whose residues end up frequently in the environment. Infrared spectra (ATR and microreflectance) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images were collected periodically while exposing nylon to controlled weathering. It was seen that ATR was more sensitive than microreflectance to monitor the structural evolution of polyamide and that the spectra and the surface of weathered microplastics showed remarkable differences with the pristine material, which stresses the need for considering its evolution when identifying microplastics in environmental studies. The evolution of six band ratios related to the chemical evolution of this polymer are presented. SEM images revealed the formation of secondary microplastics at the most advanced weathering stages of polyamide.


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